Saturday, 5 November 2011

A New Perspective

Front and Back perspectives.
I painted on both the front and the back of the material (ppsheet) to give the audience a range of views when walking around the painting and to create a range of depths on each side.

Painted from a multi-exposure photograph.
I tried to capture the movement and transparancy of the sitter through the use of paint on the clear plastic sheet.

Front and Back perspectives.
I think the back perspective turned out a lot better in this painting than the front because you can see the marker pen underneith the paint, outlining my original drawing, bringing both drawing and painting together. I also see this being exhibited in a way that the viewer may walk around the painting and visualise it from all directions, bringing a three-dimensional element to my work, in turn marrying drawing, painting and scultpure in one work of art.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Using Photography



I wanted to produce collage in an almost uncontrollable way.
I wanted a result that was both suprising and abstract that would make fantasic paintings.

I used a multi-exposure film camera to take the photographs.
I had to learn how to use it right from the basics, however I think this added to the kind of effects I was working towards, giving that extra edge of not-knowing.

Really love the way that these have turned out and I feel safer using them as a starting point to my collage, knowing that the images are completely my own.
I have already started to use them in my paintings as well and they look great. I now just need to find more ppsheet to work on!

Cutting and Sticking...

Experimenting with collage.

I want to find new styles that will compliment my paintings, considering the shapes, colours, message and the overall composition of the collage and how it will look as a painting.
I also look for ways in which I can compliment the collage with the material I am using in my paintings. For example, with me painting on see through plastic, I consider which areas of the collage to paint on the front or the back of the plastic.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Examples of the new collages I am experimenting with.
Trying to use a variety of methods to distort the image.

The top images are around an A4 size.
The bottom 2 images are A2 poster size.

Again I'm painting these on plastic and I am thinking of displaying them in a sculptural way... so that the audience can walk around the images and veiw from all angles.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011



A few studies. Some from life, some from magazines, using crayon, pencil and pen.
My favourites are the jumping figures, I tried to capture the muscles in the different positions.

Trying to make canvas bearable...

These are reproductions of some of my collages using flat, board canvas and tracing paper.
Again using layers as the basis for these drawings.

Below I ditched the canvas and used layers of tracing paper, like my first experiments.