Friday, 1 April 2011

Running out of material...


A day in the life of NME

A few smaller experiments on tracing paper. Again using the layered effect.
Used Yellow and blue ink in the bottom image which I think worked really well.
Also instead of drawing from collages, for these compositions I just drew the images straight from magazines and let the layereing process collage the images for me.
The lined pieces for me work better as it is more difficult for the eye to sperate one line for one image from another.

Red Gate Gallery - April Fools Show Opening Tonight...

Only have 1 piece in the exhibition tonight. The show runs till 14th April so don't miss out, works by students of University of Westminster and Wimbledon College of Art. Take a look on the Red Gate Gallery website for more info.
A few more pieces I have been working on...


Not too great a picture as it was taken on my not so good, smaller camera. However I love this piece... a tribute to Elizabeth Peyton I suppose.


When I Grow Up

Don't like the painting in this image however I love the idea of splitting the images and putting them together in this way. The plastic was really hard to paint realistically on so this work took longer than I wanted and I grew frustrated with it so... it's probably my least favorite.

Rock Hard Die Hard

I love this image. I love the simplicity of it. The skull at the front is in 2 layers. and the girl in the back ground in 1. The use of ink with pen seems really satisfying to me, in the way in that it confuses the eye into which material is behind or infront of the other.

Currently making spacers to go between the bulldog clips and the layers so that the layers of work are more obvious. I feel I don't need to do this to the tracing paper works as the ghostly effect is achieved without this.