Final Exhibition.
Two layered tracing paper pieces and two layered ppsheet piece.
Hand made book of twenty eight collages.
Again, another amazing exhibition. Everyones work looked really good.
I was also pleased with how mine progressed.
I'm glad that I dared to use monotonal tones in the work on the wall, it contrasted with the work around me really well.
To begin with the layered paintings looked quite flat, whereas I wanted the composition to confuse the eye of the viewer in terms of viewpoint or dimensions of the pieces. I realised that to get the most out of the material, I would have to get the most of the materials and styles that I was painting in. Therefore, I began to consider how I could use these to most compliment the images and the work as a whole.
I decided to play around with different colour filters, layers and different ways in which to hang my pieces to convey this hallucinogenic outcome that I wanted. I decided that the most effective process was to separate each of the layers so that the different layers hung loosely from each other.
My collection of collages have grown and developed dramatically and I now see them as a work in their own right to be shown alongside my drawings. I therefore made an A4 book to exhibit them, being influenced heavily by an artist I had come across earlier in my research, Kerstin Bratsch b.1979, with her own untitled, gothic style book. I also added tracing paper pages to reference the types of materials used in my drawings, creating the same ghostly effects.
I love mark making in new ways and with new materials and I feel that you can definitely see this from the work that I have produced. However, I do feel I could develop the use of collage even further. I was recently contemplating, for example, ways to combine the images to create collage digitally, maybe by multi-exposure in film and digital photography, which could be yet another route in which I could take my project.
Drawing for me is something that I feel isn't celebrated enough within the art world compared to painting or sculpture and I'm glad that drawing is on the rise again. It just feels so fresh and relaxing and I want to carry on with this exploration of drawing.
There was alot of variety in the show which is why I think it was so successful.
Alot of different styles and types of work and I enjoyed all of it.
I have also included a couple of images of the first years show (top two images) that I was most impressed with.
Not one work was the same, every work reflected that student and that's what I love about the degree at Westminster.
Looking forward to see the 3rd years show.
One thing is though... Can't wait for summer!
Bring on the exhibitions, festivals and beer!